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The Proof is in the

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How Cellular Carriers Make Money

It’s safe to say that the smartphone revolution has grown past a trend and moved into a modern necessity. Join the 5G Guys as they follow the money trail in the Cellular Carrier industry and explain the fundamentals they use to keep our world connected. Listen in as they talk about the excitement of when cellular technology first came out, the history of cellular carriers, and what has changed throughout the years.

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Wi-Fi 101: With Dr. Jim Lansford

It’s in our houses, connected to our phones, and our tablets. Sometimes it’s even in our cars, thermostats, and fridges, but does anyone really know how Wi-Fi works? The guest in this episode is Qualcomm’s Director of Technology Standards, Dr. Jim Lansford. Join in as he explains the history of Wi-Fi and how it’s become the worldwide standard for connecting billions of people around the globe. 

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Satellite Networks 101: The New Space Race

This episode takes a step off of our world and into the future of satellite telecommunications. Join Dan & Wayne as they dive into the history of satellite phone service and how it differs from your everyday cellular. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how satellites work, the obstacles every satellite company has to deal with, and all the things in between.  Listen in as they talk about the future of satellites and what that looks like for us.

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Our Values


To move through the world with honesty and truth empowering our employees, clients and communities through our words and actions.


To take full ownership and responsibility in our roles as we serve our company, clients, and communities.


To stand behind our word and our promises that we have given to our employees, clients, and communities in the delivery of our products and services.


To embrace and honor the individuals, clients, and companies in their contribution to the work that we create together through our interactions, conversations, and our way of being.


To allow ourselves to be measured by our commitments and be accountable for actions to our employees, clients, and communities.


We understand that acting quickly to our clients and employees’ needs is our competitive advantage. It builds trust and serves our community!
  • “I was on the VISTA call today and Doug Miller gave a big shout out to everyone on the project and called out our John Williams and Randy Walters ( the Cx person that found all the ATS issues in Vz with Russ electric) out by name.
    He was very happy the building was what they call, Network ready, as they planned and told the other entities in Vz.

    Just wanted to pass this good news along.”
    Doug Miller
  • "Vertex's technical ability and organizational skills are excellent. The team has a very strong grasp on the telecom industry."
    Chuck Pancost
    Broken Arrow Communications
  • “Having worked with quite a few owner’s representatives, I’ve found Vertex to be reasonable, easy to work with, and very technical. If given a choice, we would definitely choose to work with Vertex.”
    Stephen Boie
    KDW Architects & Engineers
  • “Lynn, I wanted to bring your attention to the well deserved shout out to Abraham for his support throughout the Hillsboro MSC Expansion project. This recognition went out to multiple Verizon senior leadership. As I've expressed on multiple occasions, Vertex has been an extremely integral part of the success of this project. Vertex has treated every bit of the project and facility as it's own. Vertex's communication skills have been pivotal in keeping all parties on the same page. I appreciate all the hard work and ownership it has taken during the course of this project. I am confident Vertex will continue to help drive the project strong to the finish line. Thanks Vertex!”
    Lehi Alo
    Verizon Wireless
  • “With Vertex, there is never a question that the job will get done. Vertex strives to create solutions as opposed to stumbling or pointing the finger when things don't go as planned on a project. The Vertex team is level-headed, straightforward and enjoyable to work with.”
    Lisa Hugey
    MKK Consulting Engineers
  • "Vertex's best quality is that they’re a quick read of multi-disciplined parts of a project. They are adaptive and intelligent, but on the same note if the team doesn't understand something, they do what it takes to learn."
    Craig Morroni
    Electric Equipment & Engineering
  • "Vertex is organized and does whatever it takes to get the job done."
    Garry Cornish
    Cornish Consultants
  • "We're a fast moving company and we need vendors that can work at our pace. With Vertex, I know the job will get done and meet our high standards."
    David Campbell
    Verizon Wireless
  • "If I could choose to work with Vertex on every project, I would. Anytime we have used Vertex, the team acted as the owner's rep. I've had a successful project."
    Aaron Kingstrom
    Front Range Wireless
  • "Vertex is persistent when getting information necessary for a project. You can give the team a little and they will track down a lot."
    Matt Monton
    Verizon Wireless

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